Delivered Dose Uniformity Testing the FIA Way
The founders of AB FIA have worked with automation of the delivered dose uniformity (DDU) testing of inhalers for almost 30 years. No single system can fit every customer; factors such as flexibility, regulatory expectations and costs must be considered.
FIA’s systems are customized for every project but are built on well-established modules that have been implemented in bench-top, semi-automated and fully automated systems. The flexixble design allows the system to be designed for various devices, as exemplified in Figure 1A and 1B.
Download the pdf to read more: Delivered Dose Uniformity_AB FIA_2019

Figure 1A. System configured for pDMI, with balance, canister separation, parallel shakers, and an integrated autosampler.

Figure 1B. Equipment for DDU of Novolizer inhalers. Here prepared for AIM analysis, as seen by the mounted FSIs. The empty space to the left is reserved for analytical instruments, such as direct UV or H/UPLC.

The fully automated DDU device tester IALAS operated by our technician Kristina

We work with Siemens system control or according to customer requests.
We also produce smaller instruments, fixtures or aids for your lab.